Mountaineering Nutrition

Fuel your mountain sports with actionable, science-based nutrition information!

My 2021 Mt. Baker Trip Report

Over the past six years, I’ve had some fantastic outdoor adventures, including five big mountaineering trips. I recently decided to begin writing “recap” posts about my mountaineering trips and other [...]
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photo of Lindsay Christensen on the summit of Mt. Rainier

My 2022 Mt. Rainier Guided Climb Trip Report

Recently, I decided to begin writing some “recap” posts about my mountaineering trips, races, and other outdoor adventures in the hopes that sharing a bit about my experiences (including the [...]
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Trip Recap: Mount Bear 2023

While my business is all about sports nutrition for mountain and other outdoor athletes, I’ve been thinking for a while that it might be interesting to my readers to provide [...]
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Women’s Mountaineering Nutrition Webinar

This morning, I had the pleasure of presenting a free webinar, “Nutrition Essentials for Mountaineering,” to the active, vibrant Women of Mountaineering Facebook group! ♀ 🙂 🗻  In this webinar, [...]
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photo of creatine supplement

Four Benefits of Creatine for Endurance Athletes

Hear the word “creatine,” and you probably envision bodybuilders grunting and lifting heavy weights in a gym, then downing a protein shake with creatine in a shaker bottle afterward. Sorry, [...]
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image of a man mountain biking in the Alps

Nutrition Periodization for Mountain Athletes

Just as your training plan changes throughout the year to support your athletic goals, so should your nutrition approach!  In your training as a mountain athlete, you likely go through [...]
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